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Last renewed 14 Dec 2004


Here you can get a general overview of our Church's history.

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In July of 1995, ten people, most of them complete strangers, set forth on a journey that would take them far away from their families, their homes, and their friends for one year. They were all laymen from different walks of life, and many of them had no mission experience at all. What they did have in common was a love for God, a love for people, and a passion to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people.

How did this group come together? Through the CoMission. The CoMission was a historic partnering of 80 organizations that have joined together to reach the former Soviet Union. Acting as one, The CoMission sent thousands of Christians to spend one or two year trainig Russian schoolteachers in biblical ethics and morality, to start community Bible studies, to teach basic Christian life skills and to raise up national spiritual leadership.

So, in two years of The CoMission team being here The Izmail Presbyterian Church was born. In spring of 1996 all people from all community Bible studies got together in a small cold room to worship their Lord, Jesus Christ.

The first Christians we got to know were: Jeff Rogers, Bob Burnham, Andrea Johnson, Danah Martin, Justina Henry, Jim and Mary Lower, Bryan Guiltig, Judy Buis, Jane Smith, Sharlotte Hooper, Mary Allen, Susan Morgan

The first church planters from Mission To The World organization we were helped by were: Dal and Beth Stanton, Joey and Fran Parsons, Clay and Darling Quarterman, Dave and Dee Smith.

Now the Church is undergoing the times of formation and establishment. The vision has recently been developed and adopted to guide the Church in the way God leads it.

All the glory may go to God for you, your families and our living Church!

Thank you very much!■


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  Keywords: Presbyterian, Izmail, Church, Reformed, Faith, History

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